Hi, I’m Lexi! Nice to meet you—

Lexi Rosen (she/her) is a writer of run-on sentences and love stories and a poeter of lusty little almosts and heartbreaks from the Chicagoland Area. She studied Fiction at The University of Redlands and holds an MFA in writing, a dual genre degree in Fiction and Poetry, from The Vermont College of Fine Arts. She loves her friends and family, eating cake with a spoon, and disco balls. Her work can be found or is forthcoming at Bullshit Lit!, Fugue, and HAD, and she is a recipient of the Jean Burden Poetry Prize Honorable Mention. She is also Co-Founder and Co-Editor in Chief of Silly Goose Press.

Some of Lexi’s writerly interests include:

  • Sappho and Sapphic translations/interpretations

  • Campus novels

  • Shakespeare, then and now

  • Understanding the modern rom com

  • Building community and Literary Friendships

